The fish pond is fast becoming the place to be. I fully expect him to fall in at some point, just hope the fish are kind to him. He likes to hide in a small bamboo thicket at the back of the pond so any missing slippers, boots, shoes or tea towels can be found there.
I think that this year I will not worry too much about the neatness or attractiveness of my garden or both the dog and I will end in tears.
He views the car with great suspicion, needing to be lifted into the boot then whining all the way to our destination. Took him to the beach today but he was unimpressed and left very quickly with me in rapid pursuit.
He refuses to go anymore near the car on the drive which gives us some difficulties in leaving the garden to walk up the road. Can't even fool him by setting off going down the road before turning round. He knows what we're up to.
He is good at being left in the car for brief spells whilst I dive into the shop and rush out again like the demented woman that I am.
I think he is beginning to understand that the sofa is off limits unless I invite him to join me AND the blue rug is there for him. I really must be delusional.