This is his 6 month report.
- Has he met the required standard? 10/10.
General behaviour. 10/10.
- Quick to learn. 10/10
- Taking part in group activities. 10/10.
- Enjoys playing with others. 10/10.
- Exceeding our expectations. 10/10
- Fun to have around. 10/10

Sherlock Dog.
The dog and I, AF, were having a great walk in the fields. As we approached the next stile the dog spotted a lady in white who disappeared from our sight as we watched. She saw us coming but hurried away from us through the next field not acknowledging our presence. At the next turn in the path she was still there but had quickened her pace and made for the woods. We continued to follow.
The dog was following her scent with his nose close to the ground. He stopped frequently to look for her, head, body, nose and ears alert. All his doggy hunting instincts in evidence.
Who was she, where was she going and why didn't she have a dog with her?
We caught fleeting glimpses of the lady in white between the trees and hedges as she continued down the hill. She frequently glanced back as if checking out where we were.
Through the ponies field and the next gate we went, the gap between us and the mysterious lady in white widening as we followed her down the hill.
Eventually we came out from the wooded fields to see her still ahead of us on the country lane.
The dog was still alert to her movements and we continued to walk behind her into the town.
But as suddenly as we had come upon her high up in the hills she vanished and we never saw the lady in white again...... Sherlock Dog had lost the scent.