Saturday, 11 June 2011

Back home with post-holiday blues!!

One thing that the dog did learn on holiday was to climb, albeit reluctantly, into the car boot on his own. So no more embarrassing views of elderly PL and AF lifting this floppy, reluctant animal into the car. He makes the point by getting in verrrry slowly but he seems to have accepted the incontrovertible fact that car travel is here to stay!!

Oh, unhappy dog.
The training took a bit of a back seat last week so this week it's 'back to basics'. No new regime just making sure that we enforce the old rules???

  1. Walking to heel without pulling as an absolute must. The dog sees this requirement as a  bit of a challenge so plays with his lead when we're out walking, picks up sticks, rubs his head along the ground, pulls on his lead to talk to every passing dog or person - children a particular favourite. (A work in progress.)
  2. Come back to PL or AF straight away when we whistle. This happens most of the time the exception being when a temptingingly alluring smell has appeared in front of the dog's nose that he just has to 'see to'. (Have something more tempting than the smell in the treat bag. A tall order. Keep working on this one.)
  3. No running up and down the front fence on my vegetable patch. Another real challenge as it would be very rude of him to ignore all those friendly dogs, horses, celebrities and/or people walking by when he's available to make them feel loved and welcome. (NB. AF to fence off the vegetable plot.)
  4. No playing in the house with PL and AF after 8pm. He waits until our daily business is over, when we sit down with a G&T, then pounces on us with a pulling toy, ball or squeaky ready to PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! (Need to establish a 'Playtime cut off'??)
  5. No more wet, muddy dogs to be brought back from a walk. Not easy, but do-able if we walk the dog only on the road avoiding all the delicious, worthwhile, beautiful fields and country walks that abound around the house. (This one quite unrealistic.)
  6. Sit and wait for food on command. He is quite good at this one so there must be a lesson in there for us somewhere.
I'm sure that there are lots more rules that we could establish but the fewer the better in my book.

Looking cute at the door of the caravan.

This is a good pose!!!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Photo diary of the dog on holiday.

The dog, PL, AF and our eldest Grandson (EGs.) have just had a week in the caravan in Yorkshire.
The dog got more culture than he could manage but enjoyed the walks and adoration from a new group of acolytes.
  It was a bit tight in the caravan
when the dog spread himself out.

The dog saying goodbye to our eldest Granddaughter (EGd).

Dog, AF and EGs. exhausted, at the bottom of the White Horse of Kilburn steps, N.Yorks..
The dog really wanted to be 'King of the Castle' but.......

......he found a very dirty pond instead!!! Bottom of Sutton Bank, N.Yorks.

A bit of culture the dog enjoyed. 'Taking the Waters' at Castle Howard,Yorks.

The dog greeting his public - waiting for EGs in the Adventure Playground, Castle Howard, Yorks.
All this 'sycophantic stuff' makes a dog thirsty!!! Castle Howard, Yorks.
EGs still not letting the dog be 'King of the Castle'. Fountains Abbey, N.Yorks.

The dog just wants to play now.
Preferably out of the caravan.
Caravan Club Site, Thirsk Racecourse, N.Yorks.


This has to be the way out.

The dog decided not to escape after all!!!! End of story.