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Waiting for the "Off you go." |
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Dashing ahead. |
AF and The Dog (TG) went for a pleasant stroll down a leafy lane. TG did what dogs do. Sniffing here and there. Marking his territory. Running ahead - hanging back. We had a lovely time and came back nice and clean!!!!
A bit boring if you're a dog.
Walk Two.
AF and the visitors took TG for a long walk over the fields. TG was having a lovely time - running ahead - coming back to the whistle - not jumping up!! Up ahead I saw a man with his dog standing very still, looking horrified, watching something????
It was TG that he was giving a VERY WIDE BERTH as he (TG) was wallowing in a very muddy puddle. He lay in it; he threw grimy water over his head using his muzzle and ears as tools; he ran through it repeatedly; he had a super, wonderful doggy time getting very, very wet and filthy. He looked like the monster from the deep - green, slimy and dripping.
AF put TG on the lead. The man continued on his walk with his clean dog.
After a while AF let TG off the lead again. This was probably a BIG mistake as TG discovered the soft, slushy, green stuff that is at the heart of a hard, crusty cowpat. Wowww!!
TG rolled in it, snuffled it, ate it, stuck it to his side. He treasured that cowpat to bits.
AF had a four way coloured GBGV to walk home through the town, to the joy and delight of other dog owners and some sympathetic smiles.
Here he is having a good wash in the garden, paying for his pleasures.
Walk Three.....
....has brought the dog trouble of a different kind and with it a learning experience that he will not forget.
AF and TG were having a pleasant walk, minding our own business, as usual, when TG spotted another dog coming the other way. His experience of 'other dogs' has been brilliant to date. They have recognised him as a 'Playful Puppy' and either ignored his advances or played riotously with him. This dog, however, decided to grab a mouthful of TG's doggy backside in his mouth leaving two, bleeding, puncture marks.
Naturally TG squealed loudly and when released from the biting jaws took off like a rocket the way he and AF had come, chased by the offending other dog.
AF and the other dog owner set of in hot pursuit as both dogs were heading for a main road. Fortunately a gate was barring the way so AF put TG back on his lead and carried on back towards the other dog owner. Her response to events was to tell TG that he was "Quite a rascal" for enticing her dog into bad ways (running away). AF was a bit amazed but as it's all in a dog's life chose not to argue with this assertion.
Not sure yet whether I'll still be as sanguine when we get the vet's bill.
The vet discovered an inch long tear close to his testicles that needed stitches so the poor dog has really been in the wars today. Still waiting for the bill.