Friday, 26 August 2011

Just like any other GBGV.

TG has a short term memory problem. He forgets that if he rolls in squishy mud, cow pats, fox/badger poo or any other delicious glutenous 'stuff' he gets the resulting indignity of baths, soapings and/or hosing down with cold water. Not a virtuous circle!

TG asleep with EGs.
The week for AF has been a bit of a blur. For TG it has been heaven as, not only his favourite friend EGs (Eldest Grandson) has come to visit, but also TG's favourite doggy buddy, an LS (Lovely Staffie), leading to lots of rollicking, rolling and chasing fun in the garden and house.

Watching TV.


On Sunday both TG and the LS competed in the local Dog Show leading to rosettes all round. What super dogs.

TG with his rosette.

TG really proud of the LS.

We met another Long Legged GBGV (Grand Bassett Griffon Vendeen) at the Dog Show so instead of the usual discussion around 'What is he?' we compared notes and discussed  the various 'attributes and foibles' of the breed and our dogs in particular. It was good to learn that their dog has the same naughty habits as ours but that, like TG, their dog is living up to the 'happy breed' tag. 

Friday, 5 August 2011

......another day, another puddle, another bath, same WHITE dog.

TG is having a whale of a time at the moment. Finally released from the lampshade he is 'GETTING VERY DIRTY' - I should point out that this was before the rain that will bring it's own crop of muddy puddles for a dog to play in.

AF walked him early and brought him back with a muddy muzzle. Washed this off and all was well.

A self-cleaning dog. The tongue was a great help!!
Later in the day PL took him for a walk and foolishly let TG off the lead in the cows' field. TG started in the cow pats then progressed to the water trough area. Lots of mud.

"No, no, not the hosepipe. Anything but the hosepipe."

AF decided that a bath was probably the best way forward. The colour of the resulting bath water says it all.

Once again our lovely white dog.
TG's shoe fetish has reached cross making proportions. He found a very nice brown leather sandal belonging to AF that had been carelessly left on the floor of the back porch close to the feeding station of TG. This was clearly too much of an enticement for a dog on the look out for mischief so he took it outside and demolished it. Not his fault that it was there looking delicious and tempting.


Monday, 1 August 2011

Developing a shoe fetish.

Because TG has had a large lampshade round his neck for the past week he has been around the house and garden rather more than usual so the mischief has been close to home.

TG has taken a fancy to footwear - it must be the lovely smell!! As we had Third Eldest Daughter (TED) visiting at the weekend he had a ball. The TED's strappy roman sandals were his favourite, followed closely by the stunningly beautiful black high heels.

TG goes about his business as a Shoe Thief very stealthily, pouncing on the desired shoe/sandal with great cunning then disappearing quickly and quietly. TG doesn't actually chew the shoe just mouths it leaving lots of doggy saliva behind.

He really wants TED, AF and PL to chase him for it.

Now, as every dog owner knows, chasing any dog to retrieve any desirable object is REALLY BAD NEWS. It's 'Game On' for a happy session of hide and seek around the garden for a while. TG taunts human with object, human is allowed to very nearly catch dog, there is a last minute burst of energy by dog that the human is not able to match and so on and so on. Human collapses, dog is the winner.

At the moment TG is playing out this little game repeatedly until all the shoes/sandals are 'up high'.

TED says he thinks all shoes/sandals are fair game as AF gave him an old slipper to play with??? 

As a famous comedien would say "GOOD GAME! GOOD GAME!"

The lampshade is off this week.

I'm pleased to report that TG has recovered fully from the 'other dog' incident. The stiched up
wound has healed beautifully, all the pills are finished and TG once again wants TO PLAY in the evening. Back to destroying toys and getting dirty in the fields. It's a dog's life.