Monday, 5 September 2011

All alone again!!

"Let me in!"

TG's best buddies the LS (Lovely Staffie) and the EGs (Eldest Grandson) have now left so we have had a very miserable dog all week. TG hasn't been really bad just a bit grumpy and upset.

EGs had been coverting three last pieces of special chocolate all week and looking forward to eating them on the journey back home. TG found them first, however, so only the empty wrapper was left. OH dear!! Unfortunately TG didn't suffer any ill effects from so much human chocolate.

This week TG has had 'the treatment'. Not only the worming tablets but also the anti tic and flea drops. AF skimmed off some of his coat and spent some time cleaning out his ears so no excuse when he ignores me on the field!!

Waiting for a chat with his mates.
TG has regular doggy callers at the garden that he has a chat with. Usually TG puts his head right through the fence whilst lying across my vegetable patch and the other dog pulls his/her owner over to meet and greet TG.

There's a delightful brown and white spaniel who has been a friend for a long time, a stunning flat haired retriever that is learning to like TG better as time goes by, a beautiful golden retriever with a devoted owner who also likes TG. TG's newest friend is an interesting lurcher who couldn't get on with our previous dog but likes TG a lot. TG has various other more casual callers too numerous to mention but they all have a quick chat through the fence before being hurried off by less than understanding owners.

The garden is once again taking on the appearance of a rather untidy and unloved public park. TG likes to chew, chase, run with and destroy empty plastic bottles. As fast as I clear them up he finds more to spread liberally around. AF feels a 'tip run' coming up for PL.

This morning we (AF and TG) had the beach to ourselves once again as the Summer visitors have all flown away. We had a splendid time - wind, rain and a rough sea. TG got wet and muddy as usual in the reed bed but he was very good at coming back to the whistle even when tempted by other dogs and stuff to roll in. He also really liked the treats I had - left over roast potatoes. Yummy.