Sunday, 6 November 2011

Full of Testosterone.

Let me tell you the tale as PL told it to me.

"I (PL) was walking on the usual round and let TG off at the top of the hill. TG ran on ahead but disappeared behind the lake. I went looking for TG but he crossed the stream at the back of the lake and went into the garden of M.&L. I (PL) ran round into the garden of M.&L. only to see TG leave said garden, cross the stream, go round the lake to 'visit' with some doggy buddies. I caught up with them but TG ran off again before I could collar him."

Pause for breath.

"TG ran into the field adjacent to the one I (PL) and TG were aiming for. I called and whistled TG but when TG came back he couldn't get through the gate. I (PL) had to put down the umbrella and lead so that I could climb the gate. I caught TG and threw him back over, fortunately TG waited so we (PL and TG) went straight back home."

They (PL & TG) arrived back home soaked to the skin. PL dried himself and TG, who was  banished to the kitchen. TG and PL both then had their evening meal. 

The next day TG and PL went to the Town Centre to undertake various 'errands'. At the Post Office PL tied TG up to a sturdy, wooden bench. After a couple of minutes waiting in the queue a man rushed in to the PO.

 "Is that your dog outside?" "He's pulled the bench across the road!!!"

TG had single-handedly (or quad-pawdly) dragged the bench across the road, fortunately without causing an accident. It took the collective strength of PL and another man to carry the bench back. The story is reaching legend proportions in the town already.

 TG is having a lot of fun at the moment which means not a lot of fun for AF and PL. AF had to leave him on the hill alone again. TG decided that as he had had such fun before he would disappear at the same spot again. AF once again whistled and called him for 10 - 15 minutes but to no avail. PL once again went up the field to rescue him and bring him home!! Since then TG has not disappeared again but watch this space.

At the moment he is sick and bad again after eating 'goodness knows what' on the field. TG decided that a little piece of cooked chicken and rice would be just about right for his tummy.

Note to self. Make a vet's appointment for TG to be .....................

Disappearing dog.

Back for a treat.