Monday, 6 February 2012

A scent hound!!

  • TG is officially a fully fledged scent hound now. He carefully followed the scent of another dog round four sides of the field to end up back with me as I chatted with the other dog's owner. What a clever boy.
  • Taking him into the surrounding woods can be a bit of trial as his special 'scenting skill' takes him far, far away. Sometimes it's a long wait until he comes back.
  • TG went on his holidays again last week. He disgraced himself a bit by stealing a yoghurt off his 'carers' worktop. Probably my fault as I give him my empty yoghurt pot to lick out every morning.Oooops!!
  • YGd(Youngest Granddaughter) has discovered TG's weak spot that can send him into his crate jolly quick smart. YGd just blows a raspberry at him and he melts away. Clever her I think.
  • AF has purchased a new, larger, halti for TG. Now we have less of a struggle to get it on his nose for his walk.
  • TG is not a fan of the brush and comb. An expensive solution was to buy a new vacum cleaner to pick up the dirt and spare hair left on the carpet. 
  • TG has the unfortunate attribute of spreading 'dog gob' up the walls when he shakes his head, beard and ears. Not good!!!
  • TG still doesn't understand why getting muddy on the fields deserves a hosing down in the garden when he gets back home.
  • TG finds 'big dogs' (horses) quite intimidating soTG and AF often take an unexpected detour when TG prefers to flee from, rather than pass by, the big, brown beasties.