Sunday, 5 August 2012

TG again.

Me being 'Mad Dog on the Beach.'

I'm getting no satisfaction from either AF or PL regarding them letting my adoring public hear about my adventures. Well you know what they say "If you want a job doing ..........".

So it's me again - TG. I've got the hang of this 'posting' thing now - nothing to it!!!

Sometimes AF takes me through a small wood where there are rabbits galore. Wowww! Do I make them run. They cheat, of course, by disappearing down a hole but that's the 'game' not playing the 'game' - get it?  Hmm! Need a more level playing field then watch them go!! Pheasants are the same - they fly away before I've had a chance of getting close. This scenting thing that I do so brilliantly is fine as long as 'they' play to the same rules as me. Hey ho! It's all good fun whilst it lasts.

Got away from PL recently to chase some deer. Now they do play nicely. No hole to dive into and they can't fly. I chased them for a good half hour before THE MAN with the gun got a bit threatening so I decided to go back home to PL - he'd already abandoned me!! THE MAN came down to talk to PL and said I am a good hunter, then he offered to send a shot over my head if I chased the deer again. PL wasn't having any of that though. AF thought it would be a good idea to give me a good scare. Now that's not very nice is it???

I think I'm beginning to meet the 'Good Dog' criteria a bit better now. I'm getting quite good at returning to PL and AF when they whistle. Since the woman on the field gave PL her special doggy recipe the treats have definitely improved. Made the whole house smell 'delicious' in my view and really worth being a good dog for. Well we all have our price!!

I do have a complaint, however. When AF and PL have finished their meal there are often super duper bits left over. I rush round to the kitchen and sit waiting for just a little morsel but it all goes into the bin. What a waste!! I could eat that!! However hungry and wistful I look there's no changing AF or PL's mind. "Not good for you." is what I hear.

AF says "There's nowhere to hide on the beach??"
My favourite boy (EGs) and dog team came to play with me at the weekend. We played chase, tug-of-war, throw the ball and laying on top of each other for ages and ages. Happy doggy times.