Sunday, 25 November 2012

TG has been having fun as usual. PL and AF took him to N.Yorks. in the caravan. Wet dogs and caravans are not a good combination!!! Here he is looking innocent - be pleased it's not smellyvision.

AF, PL and TG stayed in Thirsk where the other holidaymakers, as well as the local residents, did TG proud. Whether TG was waiting outside a shop, walking down the street or  just sitting being good there was a continuous stream of admiring folk asking 'What is he?', taking photographs or talking to PL or AF about him. PL and AF are constantly amazed at the stir he creates. TG is a nice dog and he enjoys the attention as do his owners but one has to ask 'why?' - long may it continue.

TG is now 2 years old and 'they' say that he should be calming down. Bit of a joke that. TG is still presenting AF and PL with interesting and embarrassing situations. 

Back home TG, to my shame, chased some sheep at the top of the hill. (He is still a bit unpredictable off the lead.) Fortunately I managed to get him under control before a very cross Farm Manager and a 'man with a gun on a tractor' arrived so no real damage done. 

Occasionally AF is beginning to recognise the signs of TG getting ready to give chase after deer, rabbit, pheasant or anything else that runs. The nose goes up, he sniffs repeatedly, tasting the air, taking 'readings' of the direction of his potential quarry. Alternatively, if he wants to fool me, he just disappears without a trace or any warning!!! It keeps me on my toes that's for sure.    

You will remember that TG loves to get dirty, muddy and smelly when we're out walking so AF/PL has to either hose him off in the garden with cold water, or take him into the house and lift him into a nice warm bath!! (No brainer really you'd imagine.)  TG has appeared to prefer the 'cold hose' option being a reluctant bather. BUT, today, surprise surprise, TG walked, unresisting, with AF into the bathroom and jumped into the bath all by himself.

Maybe he is growing up and calming down after all. I won't hold my breath!!!