Wednesday, 3 September 2014

What is he?

He's a DOG!!

  • TG and the STRIPPER.
We now have a Dog Groomers in the town so I took TG. 
TG looks wonderful and he even let 'the Stripper' sort out his claws. (The vet couldn't get near his paws.) Brilliant!!! 



  •  TG and the RABBIT. 
Do BGV's ever lose their sense of smell? I, AF, ask because a rabbit ran across the grassy path 15 yards in front of AF and TG but TG ignored it. Even as we crossed the place where the rabbit had run TG still didn't react. What luck if TG has lost his ability to smell a deer, rabbit, fox, badger, wild boar etc. from 1/2 mile away - dog walking will become so much easier.
  •  TG and the WHITEBAIT
TG is definitely in fashion as the whitebait explosion is really in the news. Last week he not only doused himself in the rotting, black mass of the reed bed but then rolled, rolled and rolled in the mass of dead and smelly whitebait that had been chased onto the beach by the mackerel. Windows down all the way home in the car.

  •    TG and VET
TG has a bit of a problem with his colon at the moment so PL and AF have been taking him to the vet more frequently than usual. TG is happy to go in to the Waiting Room but decidedly unwilling to venture into the consulting room. The 'pull-me' (PL) 'push-me' AF, routine must be a joy to observe by all the other occupants of the Waiting Room. Sometimes the Vet joins in so it takes three adult humans to get one determined dog across the slippy floor for his consultation. TG is improving so all is getting better.