Sunday, 25 November 2012

TG has been having fun as usual. PL and AF took him to N.Yorks. in the caravan. Wet dogs and caravans are not a good combination!!! Here he is looking innocent - be pleased it's not smellyvision.

AF, PL and TG stayed in Thirsk where the other holidaymakers, as well as the local residents, did TG proud. Whether TG was waiting outside a shop, walking down the street or  just sitting being good there was a continuous stream of admiring folk asking 'What is he?', taking photographs or talking to PL or AF about him. PL and AF are constantly amazed at the stir he creates. TG is a nice dog and he enjoys the attention as do his owners but one has to ask 'why?' - long may it continue.

TG is now 2 years old and 'they' say that he should be calming down. Bit of a joke that. TG is still presenting AF and PL with interesting and embarrassing situations. 

Back home TG, to my shame, chased some sheep at the top of the hill. (He is still a bit unpredictable off the lead.) Fortunately I managed to get him under control before a very cross Farm Manager and a 'man with a gun on a tractor' arrived so no real damage done. 

Occasionally AF is beginning to recognise the signs of TG getting ready to give chase after deer, rabbit, pheasant or anything else that runs. The nose goes up, he sniffs repeatedly, tasting the air, taking 'readings' of the direction of his potential quarry. Alternatively, if he wants to fool me, he just disappears without a trace or any warning!!! It keeps me on my toes that's for sure.    

You will remember that TG loves to get dirty, muddy and smelly when we're out walking so AF/PL has to either hose him off in the garden with cold water, or take him into the house and lift him into a nice warm bath!! (No brainer really you'd imagine.)  TG has appeared to prefer the 'cold hose' option being a reluctant bather. BUT, today, surprise surprise, TG walked, unresisting, with AF into the bathroom and jumped into the bath all by himself.

Maybe he is growing up and calming down after all. I won't hold my breath!!!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

TG again.

Me being 'Mad Dog on the Beach.'

I'm getting no satisfaction from either AF or PL regarding them letting my adoring public hear about my adventures. Well you know what they say "If you want a job doing ..........".

So it's me again - TG. I've got the hang of this 'posting' thing now - nothing to it!!!

Sometimes AF takes me through a small wood where there are rabbits galore. Wowww! Do I make them run. They cheat, of course, by disappearing down a hole but that's the 'game' not playing the 'game' - get it?  Hmm! Need a more level playing field then watch them go!! Pheasants are the same - they fly away before I've had a chance of getting close. This scenting thing that I do so brilliantly is fine as long as 'they' play to the same rules as me. Hey ho! It's all good fun whilst it lasts.

Got away from PL recently to chase some deer. Now they do play nicely. No hole to dive into and they can't fly. I chased them for a good half hour before THE MAN with the gun got a bit threatening so I decided to go back home to PL - he'd already abandoned me!! THE MAN came down to talk to PL and said I am a good hunter, then he offered to send a shot over my head if I chased the deer again. PL wasn't having any of that though. AF thought it would be a good idea to give me a good scare. Now that's not very nice is it???

I think I'm beginning to meet the 'Good Dog' criteria a bit better now. I'm getting quite good at returning to PL and AF when they whistle. Since the woman on the field gave PL her special doggy recipe the treats have definitely improved. Made the whole house smell 'delicious' in my view and really worth being a good dog for. Well we all have our price!!

I do have a complaint, however. When AF and PL have finished their meal there are often super duper bits left over. I rush round to the kitchen and sit waiting for just a little morsel but it all goes into the bin. What a waste!! I could eat that!! However hungry and wistful I look there's no changing AF or PL's mind. "Not good for you." is what I hear.

AF says "There's nowhere to hide on the beach??"
My favourite boy (EGs) and dog team came to play with me at the weekend. We played chase, tug-of-war, throw the ball and laying on top of each other for ages and ages. Happy doggy times.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Doing it myself!!

Is this me in or them out??

TG here

AF has been so long between blogs that I had decided to post a blog myself.

I have been so fed up with the lack of attention I've been getting recently what with tennis, motor sport, holiday planning, computing etc. that I chewed through the computer lead and cut her off. Certainly got AF's attention for a while!! PL is too clever by half however and mended it. Back to the drawing board.

I can always go back to chewing knickers and trousers as long as they're black. Well AF will leave piles of dirty washing around to tempt me so what can she expect?

Managed to look innocent on the field and as I was off the lead I took the opportunity to chase a rabbit round and round. Pity I make such a noise and fuss about it - the rabbit heard me coming and dived down it's hole. 

Cows and horses are a different kettle of fish. Not too sure about them. They have four legs and a tail but they're soooo big. I make sure that I drag AF or PL well away. Great fun when it's slippery muddy as I can pull hard enough to cause a 'base over apex' slide for AF. It's a shame that PL doesn't do much walking in the mud he'd really come a cropper.


PL and AF took me to the Bath and West Show recently. Great fun. Wherever they took me I caused a great stir. Lots and lots of my admirers coming up to PL asking 'What is he?' and 'Isn't he lovely.' Pity they hadn't entered me into the Dog Show I'd have swept the board.

AF had me out the other day when a man cutting his hedge said 'If I had a dog I'd want it to look like him.' Nobody can say fairer than that can they? Bring it on!!!

As it's a new vegetable growing season and the soil is freshly dug I'm having great fun digging holes betwixt and between the courgettes, potatoes, beans and peas. It has to do them good letting the air in to the roots but AF makes it harder for me to do my gardening by raising the barriers even higher. I am only trying to be helpful. 

There's too much rain for my taste at the moment as the walks are shorter and not nearly so interesting. The water thing doesn't stop when AF or PL and I get home as they then hose me down in the garden. I could suggest that they wait until the rain stops but it doesn't seem to be happening and any walk is better that no walk.

Friday, 18 May 2012

TG being himself.

Another picture with his best buddy.
Recently when AF and PL went for a short holiday we decided to leave TG with his wonderful 'friends' in Pets at Home. TG loves to stay with them as they have a large paddock that he can play in with up to five other dogs. TG has an exhausting time and sulks for at least a week when we bring him back home to his life with the 'oldies'. 

TG likes to roll in cow poo. Not sure whether it's the particular shade of green he turns when covered in it or the disguise of the subtle smell. Either way it ends in tears with a bath.

TG has decided that towards the end of his walk with PL or AF it is essential to find a stick to toss, chase, chew or carry. Sometimes this can delay the end of a walk as every time TG drops or loses the stick there is a certain amount of doubling back to find it.  Then more tossing, losing and retracing our steps. TG enjoys the game even PL or AF don't.

PL & AF take a bag of treats on walks with TG. Sometimes cheese or meat scraps but TG was particularly delighted with a liver, egg, flour and garlic mixture that came highly recommended by another dog walker. The house was filled with a delicious aroma during the cooking and TG loves it. His other doggy pals on the fields are equally addicted. Never has the whistle been so effective!!

As an alternative playful ploy to the stick TG will take his lead in his mouth and 'worry' it as he and AF get near the end of the walk. Yet another ploy to delay the end of his walk.

There are lots of large holes in the garden again. The grass is taking a hit and my poor flower beds are being turned into bomb sites. We might have to install a sandpit?

TG needed his regular dose of worming tablets. Given the recommended dose it could be that he is a large horse and not a dog after all.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Minus his 'bits'.

With 'lampshade' after his operation.

AF and PL were not quite sure what difference it would make having TG castrated.
  • better behaved? NO!
  • walking to heel? NO!
  • more obedient? NO!
  • coming back when whistled? NO!
  • keeping clean? NO!
  • changed his character? NO!
  • Still the same old TG!!! YES!

 TG is still up to his old, and some new, tricks.

TG has:-
  •  taken a liking to eating the crotch out of black lacy knickers sorted ready for washing.
  • dug huge holes in the garden as if planning an escape. AF not happy when he digs the flower/vegetable beds; PL very unhappy when he makes holes in the lawn!! (It could be a badger.)
  • chased the deer at the top of the hill again resulting in another visit from a VERY ANGRY MAN threatening all sorts of dire punishments.
  • learnt to stealthily and delicately extract individual tissues from the box, test them for taste then destroy the empty box.  

Joy of joys for TG, AF and PL, our EGs has been to 
stay with us for two weeks.

TG has the best time ever with EGs running, rolling, throwing, catching, cuddling and just being together with a real friend.

It just got better when our ED (mother of EGs) and EGd came for a weekend with TG's best doggy pal. Lots of doggy games including a Tug of War with poor, battered Pheasant. 

TG is having to settle down again with the 'Old Folks' PL and AF until his 'holiday visit' to his special Pets at Home friends. More of that later.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Not making friends and influencing people.

TG continues to wend his merry way through life. He accepts the ups and downs of it all, just enjoying each day as it comes.

AF can make TG tremble by showing him the comb - an essential part of our daily life. PL and AF have an agreement with TG that if he is in his crate then we can't get him so at the first hint of a grooming session he dives in there with a 'na na na na naaa' look. No ill will on his part just a clear statement that he does not want to be 'messed about' with. 

TG has found a new wonderful game. It has all the advantages of being messy, quiet and very annoying to AF and PL as he systematically empties boxes of tissues. He's like a child. Each tissue is a new and wonderful thing that pops up demanding to be plucked delicately from the box, torn up, then hey presto there's another one. Endless fun.

AF and PL are fighting a losing battle with 'THE NOSE' at the moment. 

Up the hill from the house there is a delightful walk through woods, fields, the odd stream and winding paths. The deer like it also. Just the place to hide in until flushed out by a rushing scent hound who has, foolishly, been let off his lead. No amount of whistling will break TG's concentration as he finds the deer and gives chase.

Most of the time when PL or AF takes TG up there we keep him on the lead but occasionally TG looks beseechingly at one and he's away. 

Last weekend there was such an occurrence leading to TG being left on the hill, to all intents and purposes, never to be seen again chasing deer into the sunset. After much to-ing, fro-ing and searching by PL, TG turned up in the garden.

Suddenly there was an angry knocking on the door with a VERY ANGRY, previously friendly, woman demanding that TG be severly beaten and locked away for ever. "Had she had a gun to hand" she said "she would have shot him!!!". Oh dear!!
For her it had been the 'Bambi' memory I guess. When Bambi's mummy is shot, then brought down by a pack of dogs leaving little Bambi all alone. Many, many apologies later she left. Difficult to explain that TG is flushing out the game so that the person with the gun can take a pot shot at the deer helpfully 'scented' out by the scent hound.

It will be some time before TG is let loose again on that particularly stretch of local countryside. Shame it's a lovely walk.

TG is committed to digging holes in the flower beds, veggie patch and precious lawn at the moment. AG has re-barked large areas of flower bed and pathway in the vain hope that TG will be deterred. LOL as they say.

Enough complaining already. TG is great fun and we enjoy having him around the place. He has been  hors de combat  recently as we have had him castrated. A week later, with the lampshade round his head removed, he appears to be the same old TG. AF hopes it will stop TG chasing  women, PL and our neighbour are rather more sympathetic. 

Monday, 6 February 2012

A scent hound!!

  • TG is officially a fully fledged scent hound now. He carefully followed the scent of another dog round four sides of the field to end up back with me as I chatted with the other dog's owner. What a clever boy.
  • Taking him into the surrounding woods can be a bit of trial as his special 'scenting skill' takes him far, far away. Sometimes it's a long wait until he comes back.
  • TG went on his holidays again last week. He disgraced himself a bit by stealing a yoghurt off his 'carers' worktop. Probably my fault as I give him my empty yoghurt pot to lick out every morning.Oooops!!
  • YGd(Youngest Granddaughter) has discovered TG's weak spot that can send him into his crate jolly quick smart. YGd just blows a raspberry at him and he melts away. Clever her I think.
  • AF has purchased a new, larger, halti for TG. Now we have less of a struggle to get it on his nose for his walk.
  • TG is not a fan of the brush and comb. An expensive solution was to buy a new vacum cleaner to pick up the dirt and spare hair left on the carpet. 
  • TG has the unfortunate attribute of spreading 'dog gob' up the walls when he shakes his head, beard and ears. Not good!!!
  • TG still doesn't understand why getting muddy on the fields deserves a hosing down in the garden when he gets back home.
  • TG finds 'big dogs' (horses) quite intimidating soTG and AF often take an unexpected detour when TG prefers to flee from, rather than pass by, the big, brown beasties.