Monday, 9 July 2012

Doing it myself!!

Is this me in or them out??

TG here

AF has been so long between blogs that I had decided to post a blog myself.

I have been so fed up with the lack of attention I've been getting recently what with tennis, motor sport, holiday planning, computing etc. that I chewed through the computer lead and cut her off. Certainly got AF's attention for a while!! PL is too clever by half however and mended it. Back to the drawing board.

I can always go back to chewing knickers and trousers as long as they're black. Well AF will leave piles of dirty washing around to tempt me so what can she expect?

Managed to look innocent on the field and as I was off the lead I took the opportunity to chase a rabbit round and round. Pity I make such a noise and fuss about it - the rabbit heard me coming and dived down it's hole. 

Cows and horses are a different kettle of fish. Not too sure about them. They have four legs and a tail but they're soooo big. I make sure that I drag AF or PL well away. Great fun when it's slippery muddy as I can pull hard enough to cause a 'base over apex' slide for AF. It's a shame that PL doesn't do much walking in the mud he'd really come a cropper.


PL and AF took me to the Bath and West Show recently. Great fun. Wherever they took me I caused a great stir. Lots and lots of my admirers coming up to PL asking 'What is he?' and 'Isn't he lovely.' Pity they hadn't entered me into the Dog Show I'd have swept the board.

AF had me out the other day when a man cutting his hedge said 'If I had a dog I'd want it to look like him.' Nobody can say fairer than that can they? Bring it on!!!

As it's a new vegetable growing season and the soil is freshly dug I'm having great fun digging holes betwixt and between the courgettes, potatoes, beans and peas. It has to do them good letting the air in to the roots but AF makes it harder for me to do my gardening by raising the barriers even higher. I am only trying to be helpful. 

There's too much rain for my taste at the moment as the walks are shorter and not nearly so interesting. The water thing doesn't stop when AF or PL and I get home as they then hose me down in the garden. I could suggest that they wait until the rain stops but it doesn't seem to be happening and any walk is better that no walk.

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