Sunday, 3 February 2013

He's getting me 'out and about'.

Recently AF has had reason to ask the question "Why do we need a dog?"  

Meeting other dog-owners ploughing their way through the 'welly devouring mud' AF has questioned the sanity of folks who, twice daily, voluntarily, walk for an hour or more, in the foulest of weathers, for the benefit of their four-legged friend???? 

Surely no one in their right mind chooses to venture out of a warm and cosy home to go for a walk in the kind of weather we have experienced in the past 6 - 12 months.  But in rain, hail, fog, wind, snow, gale and flood there is a steady stream of dog-owners who undertake this wet, cold, muddy and messy task. AF usually exchanges a rueful smile and comments that "we must be mad" before continuing this self-imposed foolhardy activity. 

The fun doesn't even end when AF gets home with the foul smelling, drenched and filthy dog - there is then the 'hosing off', bathing, washing down, drying, brushing and feeding ritual to be done before AF dries off and gets her cup of HC. 

AF is no longer amused by the flippant comments of non-dog walkers "he's enjoyed himself", "he looks high maintenance", "he's very muddy/dirty/wet/covered in it" 


'They' say that the rewards of dog ownership outweigh the drawbacks - AF and PL firmly  believe that is a universal truth 


Please don't tell AF that on the next wet Monday when, soaked to the skin, with mud over the top of the boots, AF is walking the fields with an equally wet and muddy TG.  

Please don't tell AF that when TG is actively resisting the hosing and bathing process so that most of his wet and muddiness is transferred on to AF.

AF just might not be reaping the rewards at that moment but be reflecting more on the drawbacks!!!!!!

PL having a rewarding moment with TG.

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