Sunday 9 October 2011

Catching up.

TG is convinced that he needs to catch up with all the dirty, messy, exciting 'stuff' that he would have done if he hadn't been enjoying himself on his holidays.

AF took him to the beach on Friday. Whilst my back was turned clearing up poo TG took off. He was out of sight. No amount of whistling and/or calling his name brought him back. AF eventually spied him down on the beach. TG, however, was not to be caught. So a bit of a chase ensued in which AF got close enough to call TG so TG ran further down the path. He was having a great time and was uncatchable until we met another dog. I know, I know that  the doggy books tell you not to chase as it becomes a game and it did, for 15 minutes, after which time he settled down and became an examplary dog. Coming when called, chasing a stick, running from the waves, digging in the pebbles, eating seaweed and whatever else dogs do on the beach.

At the weekend PL walks TG and he also had a lot of fun playing chase for a while until TG decided that he had had enough and was ready to be a good dog. It's very tiresome and time consuming. Hope he stops doing it soon.

1 comment:

  1. Such a familiar story to me. Our lovely gbgv is now 8 months old and she will run off whenever she smells something, or meets another dog! We are familiar with chase too. Glad to see TG back and on fine form.
