Wednesday 5 October 2011

He's back!!

The Dog (TG) has been on 4 weeks holiday. We took him to a Pets at Home establishment where the dogs, up to four, live with the people and play with the other dogs all the time. He has had a large paddock and garden to run in and has come home exhausted.

The Pets at Home family thought he was lovely and every one who visited or dropped off their dog asked the inevitable question "What is he?"

Anyway back home with his boring owners he decided to liven things up a bit. Unfortunately for TG he doesn't cover his tracks very well so the chewed slipper on the grass, the hole dug in the flower bed and the chewed and empty sand filled door stop do rather give the game away. It was definitely a 'getting his own back' day.

PL took him out for a walk as usual. TG decided that as someone had picked up their dog's poo in a bag but had left it hanging, like a christmas bauble, in the hedge that he would do the honours and clear it up. Unfortunately this meant TG running round the field with it in his mouth with PL in hot pursuit. What's new??

TG had not forgotten about rolling in cowpats either so he came back dirty and smelly - just like old times - for a hose down and bath - just like old times!! It's as though we've/he's never been away.

At the moment TG is in the garden doing his 'meet and greet' routine. He sticks his through the fence and all his doggy buddies come and have a chat. He's a funny dog!!!

AF met a neighbour this morning and we discussed the merits of TG. He's a 'nice chap' said E. and I think that about sums TG up. He's a 'nice chap'.

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